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Welcome to the
Global Women's Science,
Nature and Society
Article Processing Fee
At "Global Women’s Science, Nature, and Society," we are committed to making high-quality research accessible and affordable, especially for authors from the Global South. To support this mission, we offer differential rates for authors based on their geographic location. Please see the World Bank Country Groups by income HERE. ​​​​​
Low, Lower-Middle, and Upper-Middle Income Economies
USD 550
Peer Review
As a peer-reviewed journal, we uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and quality in publishing. Our peer review process is conducted by external experts who are leaders in their respective fields. We employ a double-blind review process, meaning that both the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous to each other to ensure impartiality and fairness. It's important to note that we do not accept author recommendations for reviewers, ensuring an unbiased selection process. All submitted materials, including any supplementary files, are subject to peer review.
Publication Frequency
The journal adopts a rolling publication model, allowing for the continuous and dynamic dissemination of research findings. Under this model, articles are published online immediately upon completion of the peer review and editorial processes, without waiting for the assembly of a scheduled issue. This approach ensures timely access to the latest research and insights in women's health, reflecting the journal's commitment to rapid knowledge dissemination. The rolling publication model facilitates a steady stream of high-quality content, providing researchers and practitioners with up-to-date information and enabling the journal to respond swiftly to emerging trends and discoveries in the field.
Fee Transparency
The journal is committed to transparency in its fee structure. Any fees charged, such as article processing charges (APCs), are clearly stated and justified. The journal ensures that fee policies are communicated clearly to authors at the time of submission, and we strive to make our publication processes as accessible as possible.
Open Science Practices
The journal encourages open science practices, including the sharing of data, code, and other materials associated with research projects. This transparency supports the replication and verification of results, enhancing the credibility and utility of the research. Authors are encouraged to make their data available in reputable repositories and to provide access to any materials that would facilitate the replication of their work.
Our journal is committed to maximizing the accessibility and impact of research in women's health. To this end, all content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. This licensing model allows for unrestricted sharing and adaptation of the published work, provided that appropriate credit is given to the original author(s) and the source, a link to the license is provided, and any changes made are indicated. The CC-BY license supports our open access policy, ensuring that authors retain copyright to their work while facilitating the widest possible dissemination and use of research findings. By adopting this license, we endorse a transparent and open exchange of knowledge, empowering researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to build upon this work to advance the field of women's health.
Long-term accessibility and preservation of published content are paramount for our journal. We have partnered with the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN) to ensure the enduring availability and reliability of the digital scholarly record. The PKP PN provides a decentralized and geographically distributed archiving system, safeguarding against data loss and ensuring that the journal's articles remain accessible to the academic community and the public in perpetuity. This preservation strategy underscores our commitment to the stewardship of research in women's health, guaranteeing that current and future generations can access and build upon the valuable contributions made by our authors.